JCP is a well-established reputation of an efficient and persistent counsel when dealing with administrative matters in the Dominican Republic. It has vast experience working with the General Agency of Internal Revenue (“DGII”), General Agency of Customs (“DGA”), the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (“INDOTEL”), Superintendence of Electricity, Superintendence of Insurance, Ministry of Labor, Consumer Protection Agency (“Proconsumidor”), to name a few. Its excellent working relationships with these agencies have also allowed JCP’s clients to achieve good results with administrative appeals at the Superior Administrative Court and the Supreme Court of Justice.
JCP advised domestic and international clients from a vast majority of regulated sectors, such as energy, health, telecommunications, and mining in matters concerning application of administrative sanctions, official tax assessments, disputes of contracts with the Dominican State, and appeals or defenses against challenges of broadcast band use.
Taxes and Custom Duties:
Administrative claims challenging tax assessment by the General Agency of Internal Revenue and General Agency of Customs;
Administrative appeals at the Superior Administrative Court and Supreme Court of Justice
Regulation of Broadband Use:
Administrative and court proceedings regarding the use of the broadcast bandwidth and the granting of licenses.
Traditional and Renewable Energy
Hospitality and Tourism
Health Insurance
Key Representations
Representation of two Dominican companies in tax reassessment proceedings by the General Agency of Customs in connection to their imports under the Dominican Republic - Central America Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), including negotiations and successful closings that resulted in savings to the clients equaling RD $1.9 million (US$3.9 million) in one case and RD $413.1 million (US$10 million) in another case.
Representation of telecommunication companies in court and administrative proceedings at the Dominican Telecommunications Institute regarding the use of the broadcast bandwidth and the granting of licenses.
Represented a ______________ in a process against the Dominican State challenging a tax assessment on a commercial operation in the amount of US$517 million.
Desde su concepción institución jurídica, el arbitraje ha sido reconocido como un proceso consensual y voluntario, de donde la cláusula arbitral es idealmente el resultado de una negociación equilibrada entre las partes del contrato. Sin embargo, en la arena de los contratos de adhesión se veri ca una excepción a esta regla, toda vez que la capacidad de al menos una de las partes de negociar los término y condiciones de la transacción puede encontrarse visiblemente restringida, en tanto que la contraparte (i.e. quien ofrece el bien o servicio de que se trate) posee considerable poder de negociación, con lo cual constriñe a la otra a aceptar al arbitraje como alternativa a la justicia ordinaria y sin lo cual esta última no podrá acceder al bien o servicio pretendido.