Vilma Veras is a partner specializing in foreign investment, tax, real estate and corporate matters.

Prior to joining JCP in 2003, Vilma Veras worked four years at the local office of an international firm, first as an associate and later as a senior associate in the corporate department.

Ms. Veras is an active participant in the review committees of the Law on Business Associations and Individual Limited Liability Companies and its amendments.

Recent Revelant Experience

  • Handled installation of hotels and casinos, including obtaining operations permits for such projects, as well as projects classification under the tourism incentives laws.
  • Participated in formation, organization, modification, merger and dissolution of business partnerships, corporate restructuring, corporate transformations and adaptations,as well as organization, maintenance and management of offshore corporate vehicles.
  • Advised clients on estate planning, including estate planning structures and property acquisition.
  • Represented investors in capitalization of the electric companies; also represented the State in repurchase of the Dominican electricity distribution companies.
  • Advised M&A clients with due diligence process and drafting of implementation agreements.
  • Advised clients in the bidding process for acquisition of equity interest in the amounts exceeding US$230 million.
  • Regularly advises companies in the health services sector (health risk administrators and health services providers).
  • Participated in establishing and obtaining permission for the operation of foreign brand franchise restaurants.
  • Represented clients in entering into and renegotiating agreements with foreign brands in the Dominican Republic.
  • Advised with due diligence and implementation of acquisition of a majority stake in the largest company in the Dominican poultry sector.


  • The New WIPO Treaties on Copyright and Interpretation or Performance and Phonograms, Master Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic (Spanish 1998).
  • The Excessive Clause in the Administrative Contracts, Graduate Thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, (PUCMM), Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (Spanish 1996).


Vilma C. Veras Terrero
  • Boston University, Certificate in Legal English for Practitioners, 2006.
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, (PUCMM) LLM in Business and Economic Law, 1998
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, (PUCMM) LLB, 1996, magna cum laude
  • Bar of the Dominican Republic
  • Legal Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic (AMCHAM)
  • Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce of the Dominican Republic
  • English
  • Spanish