Laura Medina began her professional career at Jiménez Cruz Peña, and is currently a senior associate of the firm. She focuses her practice on litigation and alternative dispute resolution and on labor and employment matters related to clients in the hospitality, free zones, telecommunications, and aviation industries.

Laura Medina participated in the drafting of the Commercial Arbitration Law passed by the Dominican congress in December 2008. She is currently a contributor to the GAR Investment Treaty Arbitration know-how section for the Dominican Republic.

Recent relevant experience

  • Represented clients in domestic arbitrations administered by the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution of Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santo Domingo.
  • Represented a state-owned entity in a successful settlement of an ICC arbitration to enforce a power purchase agreement, resulting in client savings of US$440 million over five years.
  • Represented a consortium of international investors in an ICC arbitration against the Dominican state of a dispute relating to a major toll road project, which ultimately resulted in a US$43 million award to the client.
  • Has rendered opinions on Dominican law for litigation proceedings originating outside the Dominican Republic, mainly in the United States.
  • Participated in due diligence of a majority interest in the major poultry producer in the Dominican Republic.
  • Advises clients on matters related to the establishment or closure of operations in the Dominican Republic, to the recruitment of personnel, drafting and implementation of internal labor policies, and termination of labor contracts or adoption of disciplinary measures.
  • Defends clients before labor courts.


  • Getting the Deal Through Arbitration, chapter on Dominican Republic (2010, 2011, coauthor with Marcos Peña Rodríguez)
  • The International Comparative Legal Guide, Business Crime, chapter on Dominican Republic (2011-2013, coauthor with Marcos Peña Rodríguez)
  • The International Comparative Legal Guide, International Arbitration, chapter on Dominican Republic (2012, coauthor with Marcos Peña Rodríguez)
  • Arbitration in the Dominican Republic, LATINLAWYER, 2013 (coauthor with Marcos Peña Rodríguez)
  • Litigation in the Dominican Republic, LATINLAWYER 2013 (coauthor with Marcos Peña Rodríguez y Lisa Díaz)
  • Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C., United States, LL.M. in International Legal Studies, 2009
  • Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, LL.B., Summa Cum Laude, 2005
  • Bar of the Dominican Republic
  • Spanish
  • English
  • French