David J. Heredia Tapia, Obtained his degree in Law from the University of Barcelona in 1996 and his And his revalidation at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) in 2000; Postgraduate and Specialization in Economy and Markets of Latin America (Centro de Estudios Internacionales- Fundación Bosch i Gimpera, Barcelona, España) 1997; Master's Degree in Business Law from the University of Navarra, MUDE, (Pamplona, España) 1998.

Mr. Heredia has been working for more than 15 years between Spain and the Dominican Republic and has been involved in international litigation for loan recovery and sale and purchase of companies in crisis.

Mr. Heredia is a member of the Executive Committee and semi-permanent Councilor of the Interamerican Bar Association (IABA / FIA -www.iaba.org) as well as various Spanish and foreign associations and entities.

He has been a member of the Board of Directors and Vice-Chairman of the Consultative Council of the Presidency in Catalonia, promoted by the Superior Government of the Dominican Republic.

The professional work that Mr. Heredia currently carries out through the Spanish Desk with offices in the Dominican Republic and Spain is basically directed towards three aspects:

  • Promotion of investments and legal advice of investors in Spain and the Dominican Republic.
  • Defense of the interests of Dominican and Spanish companies resident in the Dominican Republic in Spain and reciprocally, defense of the interests of Spanish and Dominican companies resident in Spain in the Dominican Republic.
  • International Litigation.

He is a legal advisor to the Dominican Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in Spain, with headquarters in Madrid and Santo Domingo, and whose objective is to contribute to the integration and cultural and commercial exchange between Dominican Republic and Spain to foster relations and communication between its members.

Member of the Academic Council and habitual collaborator of the Master of International Law of the Superior Institute of Law and Economy (I.S.D.E.) of the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. He has also been Secretary of the Jury of the International Legal Prize ISDE-FIA, which distinguishes research and study of Law in the areas of Public International and Private Law, Sports Law, Ethics of Law and Tax and Tax Law.

On June 17, 2010, the Mayor of the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) awarded him the title of Guest of Honor of the City of Rio de Janeiro.

Finalist of the Professional Award of the Year 2,012, awarded by the Association of Dominican Professionals in Catalonia (APRODOCAT).

Practice Areas

  • Universidad de Navarra, MUDE, Pamplona, Spain
    Master's Degree in Business Law, 1997 
  • Centro de Estudios Internacionales - Fundación Bosch i Gimpera, Barcelona, Spain
    Postgraduate and Specialization in Economy and Markets of Latin America, 1997.
  • Universidad de Barcelona, Law Degree, 1996. Revalidated by Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), 2000.
  • Illustrious Bar Association of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona, ​​Spain)
  • Bar Association of the Dominican Republic (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
  • Interamerican Bar Association
  • Inter-American Bar Association (Washington, USA)
  • Graduation Group of the University of Navarra (Pamplona, ​​Spain)
  • Grouping of ex-students of the Center for International Studies (CEI, Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, Barcelona, ​​Spain).
  • Spanish
  • English
  • Catalan
  • Italian