- Pro Bono and Community

Since its foundation in 2003, JCP was committed to providing pro-bono legal services to the local and international community. In 2010, we made this commitment official and started an in-house pro-bono program, which attracted many of our lawyers passionate about serving underprivileged communities and collaborating with public and non-profit organizations dedicated to noble public causes. Since then, JCP has worked hand in hand with at least six local and international charities.

The Latin Lawyer and Vance Center Pro Bono Survey 2015

Latin Lawyer and Vance Center 2015 recently published the Pro Bono survey, in which Jimenez Cruz Peña played an important role collecting the data exposed.

In the survey Jimenez Cruz Peña is recognized for Pro Bono work done at the request of the Vance Center, Pro Bono Network of the Americas and the Dominican Republic Pro Bono Foundation.

Download the survey here

Best Buddies Republica Dominicana

Started by a JCP alumna, Rachel Brea, the foundation works with children with mental disabilities, teaching our community to accept, live, and share experiences with those children regardless of their condition. JCP helped bring this initiative and establish it in the Dominican Republic, through two of its dedicated associates.

Fundacion Guanin

This foundation works in Las Piedras, municipality of Guerra, with a community of underprivileged people of the Dominican and Haitian origin, providing them housing, education and healthcare with the help of local and international donations.

Fundacion Guanin recognized JCP’s pro-bono work to its community during an event held at JCP offices. Director of Centro Cultural Guanín, Inc., Severino Polanco, said: "Since 2011, the firm Jiménez Cruz Peña has actively worked with us providing various legal opinions, which have allowed us to develop the communities we work with. We offer our recognition because of these continuous and selfless contributions." Mr. Polanco emphasized the firm’s interest in supporting the needs of the Dominican people and hoped that its example would inspire other private sector organizations.

The Pro-Bono Foundation

This foundation handles and distributes among different law firms pro bono work for people in need of legal services. This organization works not only with individuals, but with other foundations and social organizations which usually require assistance in various matters including environmental advice.

The Dominican Federation of Cricket

This federation of interrelated non-profit organizations is involved in promoting cricket among the Dominican youth. JCP has been involved in the Federation since its incorporation and is currently working on the permits needed for its membership to the Dominican Olympic Committee and the affiliation of the Ministry of Sports.


This international nonprofit organization is dedicated to caring for homeless and abandoned Haitian children in South East Haiti close to the border with the Dominican Republic. JCP has been working on Ayitimoun-Yo’s registration in the Dominican Republic and providing general legal advice.

Round Table for the Commonwealth Countries

This nonprofit, nonpolitical NGO promotes economic, commercial and social bilateral relations between the Dominican Republic and the 54 countries that constitute the Commonwealth. Its aim is to stimulate growth and progress organizing activities and exchanging information. JCP has been in charge of its incorporation in the Dominican Republic, acquiring a legal status and compliance with the Dominican law.

In addition, in 2011 JCP committed to working with the local organization Un Techo Para mi Pais (A Roof for my Country), which provides housing for the Dominican people without homes or basic services.

JCP’s pro-bono work is constantly expanding, as its lawyers continue to assist and provide much needed legal and social assistance to those in need.