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Goodbye Digenor

• News

Published in 05/31/13

The Dominican General Agency of Standards and Quality Systems (“DIGENOR” for its Spanish acronym), has been recently substituted by the Dominican Institute for Quality (“INDOCAL” for its Spanish acronym)*, through the application of Law 166-12 on the Dominican System for Quality (“SIDOCAL” for its Spanish acronym) dated July 12, 2012.

INDOCAL, together with the Dominican Council for Quality (“CODOCA” for its Spanish acronym) and the Dominican Agency of Accreditation (“ODAC” for its Spanish acronym), form part of the SIDOCAL structure, defined by Article 9 of Law 166-12 as “the joint group of specialized entities responsible of managing, administering and coordinating all processes and associated procedures, directly or indirectly, to evaluate the conformity or demonstrate the compliance with the norms”.

INDOCAL, in its turn, is defined by Law 166-12 as the institution specifically in charge of technical standardization and scientific, industrial and chemical metrology, as well as its own technical operations concerning legal or regulatory metrology (Article 39 Law 166-12), both of which are strictly necessary for maintaining and improving the competitiveness of the products and national services for the benefit of the consumers and commerce.

Even though the infrastructure, created by INDOCAL to regulate the quality of production of goods and services in the country, obligates our micro, small and medium sized businesses (“MIPYMES” for their Spanish acronym) to invest more resources and work harder on complying with the requirements demanded by the global market, leads the Dominican Republic towards a better integration of its products in the international market, implementing practices aimed to make the country more competitive.

For more information, please see: www.indocal.gob.do